If you have ever travelled across Southern Canada by road, you probably traversed the Trans-Canada highway. On your way, you […]
share this:Things that are more than just photographs.
This is a brochure design proof made for a software company. The finished item was used for a conference. Borderless,
share this:Working through my archives for what seems like the hundredth time, I finally got around to working up this image
share this:November 26th is the date of the Port Colborne Optimist club annual Christmas Bazaar. This popular community event includes bake
share this:I made this fun piece over the weekend, during a rare break between taking photographs and editing photographs and posting
share this:The Port Colborne Optimist club hosts our annual fundraising Christmas Bazaar at the Guild Hall, Port Colborne, on Saturday November
share this:’tis the season to be planning for end of the year parties! Event Season approaches. GYST provides individual table cards
share this:The image is a mockup I made of a logo I recently created for a local business. The logo will
share this:For those affected by the telecommunications outage yesterday across Canada, I have one word of advice: Relax. Though the inability
share this:From business cards to billboards and beyond, promotional and marketing materials are the life blood of business. GYST can take
share this:It is that time of year where I cherry pick my favourite personal images to turn into our annual video,
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