
Things that are more than just photographs.

Port Colborne Optimist Club murder mystery.
Design, Design Guy

Table Cards

As a nice bonus for the Murder Mystery guests, I am making table cards that attendees can take away and

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Murder Mystery night at the Port Colborne Coutnry Club
Design, Life

Murder Mystery

October 21st at 6pm is a date to put in the calendar if you are a fan of the participatory

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Here Comes Halloween design from GYST Services

Here Comes Halloween

As I type the second week of September is ending. Which means that Halloween is over six weeks away. So

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Wedding sampler book
Design, Photography

More Changes

Just a quick update to say that as part of the site makeover I have reorganised the menu system and

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Ten cents on the dollar
Design, Design Guy, Technology


Legend has it that a king once asked a pauper to make a statement which would in all circumstances and

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Scroll, Troll...
Life, Products

Scroll, Troll…

I am prolific on social media. I have naturally, therefore, encountered my share of the vitriol, abuse, stupidity and hate

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Digital Design

When I am not out and about exploring the back roads of Niagara I create documentation, training, marketing, and sales

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Organize your life with our day planners
Design, Design Guy

365 Day Planners

Day planners are popular with people that like to plan and make schedules using pen and paper. Planners routinely give

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