Design Guy

The Design Guy blog features articles on design, creativity, commercial photography, tech, tips, and life. This is for fun. I add to this journal as the mood takes me.

As a photographer based in Niagara, Canada this site is also home to my personal photography project, Somewhere In Niagara, in which I travel the back roads and trails to discover the hidden beauty of the Niagara Peninsula. Enjoy.

Postcards From The Porch

Postcards From The Porch

As Ontario endures another week of lockdown, community spirit is on the verge of becoming a victim of COVID-19. Postcards

Times Square, New York

Memories of 2020

I know we’re into March, so this is a little overdue, but as promised to my wife I put together


Spring Forward

It’s nice that Spring Forward is here, and the clocks go forward an hour this weekend. But I do have

A bull in a field in the rain


Episode 6 of Somewhere In Niagara is now online. This week I’m Somewhere North. It worked out that on my

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