A while ago I made a series of 4K promotional videos for a recycling company. Based on that experience, they called me in for a photo assignment to shoot a magazine cover. Not my first.
We spent a couple of hours on-site wandering their Welland recycling facility while I took photos and posed the clients. Result: Many hero images for the article, and a library of marketing collateral. Made sense to maximize the opportunity. So we did. This is the online magazine, with my cover image.
After processing the images were uploaded to the ‘net for transfer to the magazine. It’s a little thing, but the client told me that the editor made a point to say how good the images were. High praise indeed, if you know magazine editors.
Good enough that in addition to the cover image, the editor chose two more for use as 2-page spreads, and five more for the feature article itself. Eight in total. If you’ve ever worked with a magazine that number may make your eyebrows raise. Mine did. I was very pleased. And so was my client. They got a lot of column inches and some great global advertising for their company.
This magazine has a print distribution of over half a million across Canada plus many in the US, and several thousand digital subscribers around the world. I feel that this is a win. For the company as well as myself. It’s nice when everybody wins.
A complimentary print copy of the magazine has been added to my portfolio case alongside all the other print pieces from all the publications I have contributed to over the years. From full page advertisements, to paid articles and guest columns I’ve written, to supporting images like the ones here. It’s a growing collection of memories and a body of work I can look back on with pride.
I may soon need a bigger case. It’s bulging a little now when I try to close it.