Design Guy

The Design Guy blog features articles on design, creativity, commercial photography, tech, tips, and life. This is for fun. I add to this journal as the mood takes me.

As a photographer based in Niagara, Canada this site is also home to my personal photography project, Somewhere In Niagara, in which I travel the back roads and trails to discover the hidden beauty of the Niagara Peninsula. Enjoy.

Carl Getting The COVID Vaccine Shot

Get The Shot

I’ve heard every argument on both sides of the COVID vaccine debate. Only one side makes sense to me. With

Visit the Iron Garden to see a bewildering array of cast iron statues.
Design Guy


These and other cast iron statues grace the Iron Garden, a treasure trove of creative beauty on the outskirts of



Yesterday a sequence of events occurred which showed me once more the underlying balance of the universe. Put simply, I


In The Bog with Nikki

My long-suffering lady and I explored an area of several square miles of potentially fatal rattlesnake-infested peat bog, where a

Whole Lotta Rosie
Design Guy

Whole Lotta Rosie

Finding myself at a loose end this past weekend due to my wife’s work schedule, I thought that rather than

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