Design Guy

The Design Guy blog features articles on design, creativity, commercial photography, tech, tips, and life. I add to this journal as the mood takes me.

I am also an avid landscape photographer based in Niagara, Canada. This site is the home of my personal photography project, Somewhere In Niagara, in which I travel the back roads and trails to discover the hidden beauty of the Niagara Peninsula. Enjoy.


A New York Minute: Down Low

One more snippet from our 2019 road trip vacation to New York. Where are we this time? And is Nikki

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Design Guy

A New York Minute: Up High

Dropping the second snippet from our 2019 road trip vacation to New York. Where are we? Please take less than

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Central Park street performer jumps crowd
Design Guy, Photography

Hello 2020

January 1st 2020 was spent working through some of my photos from 2019. It brought smiles as I looked back

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Design Guy

Gallery Update

We near the end of 2019. It has been a busy year for me, with visits to New York, several

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Nlizzard conditions

The Blizzard of ’90…ish

The first blizzard snows of Winter 2019 hit us here today in the Niagara region. As usual, many drivers have

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Life. Funny thing, life.

Four years ago today, our good friends Juice and Sweets (Brad and Kim) were married in a beautiful, noisy, and

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