Gone Fishin’

Boy fishing at sunset

I have been away from the web site a lot recently, taking care of other things. For example, I’m on the board of the Port Colborne Optimist Club and we just ran the very successful annual Kids Fishing Derby. Now that is over we are readying things for the big Canada Day show in H.H. Knoll park. We also have the upcoming Duck Race and Vale craft show for Canal Days in August, and a few other things in between. All these things take us a lot of time and effort to organize.

As well as that I am keeping busy with my photography. Touring the region. Exploring. And lots of paid work, too. Once this is posted, I am heading over to Buffalo, NY, for the day to shoot a wedding. When I get back tonight I will be working on photos and that will take most of Sunday. I do have a shopping trip in mind which would mean a trip to Niagara Falls, if I find the time. As you see, I keep busy. Too busy to update the site, right now.

Just wanted you to know I am still around, still active. More so than ever, which is the reason I haven’t posted recently.


This image of a boy fishing at sunset was taken at the local quarry lake in Port Colborne. The sun burnishes the tree tops as night approaches. The stillness is perfect. The mirror reflection of the water is unbroken. Not even disturbed by the fishing line as the boy looks intently at the water where he cast. He is content. He is focused. He is unconcerned. He is in the moment.

The worries of youth are considerable. The ability to shut them off and enjoy the world is a skill often lost to adults. We could all benefit from the lesson here. Maybe in another life, instead of working I would have headed out for the day and gone fishin’. One day I will. Maybe. Probably not. Too many things still to do. Gotta go. Ciao!

Prints and products for all images by request.
Photographer for hire for sessions, events, and private functions.
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