St. Lawrence river, overlooking Levis

The St. Lawrence Ferry

The Promenade in old Quebec city is a great place to be. By day, a thriving gathering place. A popular hotspot where honeymooners and tourist hordes alike wander aimlessly along the wooden mile absorbing the sounds of buskers, the smells of buskers, and the many sights to be seen. From the old fortress at one end to the Chateau Frontenac at the other, bedecked with cannons and other items, the funicular somewhere in the middle saves those that wish the long descent down the steps to the old town far below. Tip: It’s easier coming up.

But by night, the promenade is a place to look beyond. Across the river. Sunset over the St. Lawrence is a spectacular sight to see, with the horizon framed by golden skies. And when those lights across the water come on it takes your breath away again, from an entirely unexpected source: The city of Levis. Levis is not famous, when put alongside Quebec. But it holds a long history and has many stories of its own to tell.

Ferry across the St. Lawrence

The ferry which links the two cities goes back a long way too. It is now supplemented by a road bridge further West, which carries a constant flow of traffic day and night. Being the only land bridge across the great river for many kilometres in either direction it’s a great aid to travellers.

But the ferry is more fun. Almost as busy. Especially in tourist season. And at midnight on the promenade… ah. Then, the St. Lawrence river is transformed. Into an entirely new experience. Sometimes it pays to look beyond. Get the big picture. And enjoy all that there is to be seen.

St. Lawrence river, overlooking Levis

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