IOTW: Cabot Trail

Motorbikes on the Cabot Trail

The Image Of The Week today features a section of the Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. The twists and turns as you navigate the mountainous terrain make this a highly popular road with bikers, as can be seen in the image.

The natural beauty of the Cabot Trail and Cape Breton is enhanced by the Atlantic Ocean that surrounds the island, constantly battering away at the towering cliffs and beaches trying to hold it at bay. Speaking of bays, there is a thriving fishing industry, and many quiet harbours, inlets, and bays to visit. Explore.

As well as nature lovers enjoying the wildlife (here be moose) and wilderness, Cape Breton is also popular with tourists, honeymooners, and surprisingly, golfers. Several small towns along the route feature restaurants with excellent cuisine, and even a couple of secluded luxury resorts for the rich and infamous.

The Cabot Trail does not take long to travel, if you are only there for the road. Which is certainly worth the effort, as those motorbike riders will testify. Even on four wheels it is an incredible sight. But to really do it justice requires a little more time. Time that we sadly did not have during this visit. But still. We have this memory.

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