A field of sunflowers near Port Colborne, Ontario.

A Field Full of Sun

One fine Summer day last year I took the drone to a local field of sunflowers. I spent the next hour zooming backwards and forward, going off into the distance beyond those trees. And generally having a whole deal of fun.

It was the time of year when sunflowers are at their height. We had permission from the field owner to be there, which meant we could wander at will. Just as well because I had to go and collect the drone when I got a little too close to the plants on one particularly daring low level pass. Calculated risk. No harm done.

Finding a drone the size of a large book in a field this size, full of fully grown sunflowers, was aided by the loud audible beeping of the downed drone, which I triggered from the controller on the way across the field. Without that beeping I would never have found that drone. It would have been gone forever. I almost trod on it when I got close, I had to dig around to get to it. She was that well hidden in the foliage I couldn’t see her even from a foot away. As I say, calculated risk. I knew I might hit something, flying that low. I also knew that beep may come in handy.

The sun was at exactly the right spot to get a quarter hour of stunning video and a bunch of very nice images of this field full of sun. We had permission from the owner to take a couple home to put in a vase, so we did. It was a most enjoyable time. Most enjoyable.

A field of sunflowers near Port Colborne, Ontario.

Prints and products for all images by request.
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