I am a working photographer based in Niagara, though I have a passport and am more than willing to travel. A videographer. A drone pilot. A fool. I wear many hats.
This blog is about the fun things in my life. Photography. Nature. Technology. And whatever else I feel like writing about. This is GYST a blog (pun intended) about life, the universe, and everything. From Carl, your friendly neighbourhood Design Guy.
Digital Design
When I am not out and about exploring the back roads of Niagara I create documentation, training, marketing, and sales […]
365 Day Planners
Day planners are popular with people that like to plan and make schedules using pen and paper. Planners routinely give […]
IOTW: Somewhere In Niagara
This simple scene is Somewhere In Niagara at its finest. From the roadside, many things are visible. You simply need […]
Save Money
Nikki and I made a visit to our local clearance outlet yesterday. It’s a consignment ‘bargain bins’ store that restocks […]
IOTW: Horses
This Image Of The Week comes from a road trip to explore the Ontario coast road of Lake Erie. Being […]
Fishing Derby Photos
It’s been a week since the 2023 Kids Fishing Derby saw over two hundred entrants and their alleged adults spend […]
Canada Day 2023
The Port Colborne Optimist Club is responsible for everything that happens in H. H. Knoll Park on Canada Day. The […]
Bald Eagle, Gliding
The latest addition to our online print collection is this majestic Bald Eagle, swooping low over a pond. This gallery […]
Printing In Progress
As I type the printer makes happy noises, contentedly churning out hundreds of registration forms and rules for Sunday’s Port […]