
Bride and groom holding hands.

I had the pleasure and the honour of being the weddding photographer for this union a few years ago. As is the way of a wedding photographer, I captured both bride and groom, the accessories and nervous preparations behind the scenes, as well as the ceremony, celebrations, after party and cake cutting, first dance, and so forth. As is also the way, this was a long day. That’s expected. Literally part of the job.

As well as the required formals and mandatory family shots I try to capture intimate moments.

After the ceremony, announcement and first kiss, comes the signing of the registry to make everything official. With that complete the happy couple rise to walk the gauntlet of their guests as they whoop and holler and toss confetti. The wedding party (happy couple, bridesmaids and groomsmen) traditionally leave first, ahead of the guests. This part of proceedings is called the recessional.

A moment

As bride and groom stood and prepared themselves to receive the applause and praise of their assembled guests, these two took a moment. For a single heartbeat they paused, looking out over the crowd. Then, worldess and without looking at each other, they silently reached for each others hands.

And walked into their brave new future. Together.

The spell was broken. Guests went wild. I ran around like a crazy man. The happy couple wore huge smiles as they ducked confetti and rice and handshakes and hugs – this was not a sombre event. They walked back along the aisle and off into the distance. Into the car, and off to the reception. Reality resumed.

But for that one moment. That single heartbeat. It was just the two of them. In the middle of all the momentary madness that follows, they reached for each other. I saw it. I captured it. For me, this candid moment is one of my favourites from the whole day. Moments like these are, for me, what wedding photography is all about. The love. Not the glitz. Not any amount of peacocks and parades and fancy clothes. This.

Onwards, you fine people. Together.

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