Hawk outline

Blue-Tailed Hawk

I took the image from the previous post (red-tailed hawk) into Photoshop and just started throwing around ideas. GYST for fun (see what I did there?)

I posterized the image down to the default 4 levels with a mind to turn it into a colouring book page. Then I masked out some of that foliage, which was mainly summer colours, and just went with it. Losing a couple of those posterization colours (colour range select, add to mask) I ended up with an almost mono pencil effect. Throwing in a couple of complimentary gradient layers and clipping them to the layers below I ended up with this comic book style night hawk effect. As though moonlit, which of course it is not. I tried several variations before I decided that I liked what I originally came up with, and went back to that.

This might make a good T-shirt design at some point. I’ll file this and revisit, maybe, when I have more time.

I hear you. This might not be the most creative, nor the best, use of Photoshop. I agree. But it is the most creative use of 10-minutes of play time to clear the head in between tasks. Suitably refreshed, my mind is now clear to go onto the next project. Which is a book. But that’s another story.

I give you the ‘Blue-Tailed Hawk’. Because it’s blue, not red. I really shouldn’t have to spell it out… 🙂

Hawk outline
Blue-tailed Hawk
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