Port Colborne Optimist Club Book giveaway bookmarks 2023

2023 Optimist Club Book Giveaway

As part of our efforts to make life a little better for those around us, Optimist Clubs around the world raise funds, run events, work on community projects, and generally pitch in where they can. Volunteers such as myself bring their various skills to bear and work together for the greater good.

My club, the Port Colborne Optimist Club, runs an annual book giveaway. We put reading books in the hands of around 1200 school children every year, opening the minds and sparking the imaginations of the next generation.

My particular skill set is the art of making things look pretty. So I decided to redesign our bookmarks for 2023. On one side, I put the International Optimist Creed, an inspirational and aspirational message for all including our young readers. On the other, a call to action for people of all ages to volunteer and get involved in our mission to improve, well, everything. The handy dandy QR code takes readers to the club web site when it is scanned.

These bookmarks will be included with each book given out to students from this point forward. A nice touch. I just received delivery of the new bookmarks and asked Nikki to take this photo with my iPhone to mark the moment. I must say these new bookmarks do look rather nice.

I look forward to handing them over to the committee in charge of the book giveaway for distribution along with those 1200 books. Sometimes, it’s nice to just help people.

If you like the sound of that, you can find out more on the Port Colborne Optimist club web site.

Port Colborne Optimist Club 2023 bookmarks
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