2023 Calendars

As we edge ever closer to the panic buying stage of the holiday season, I am preparing a range of print-on-demand 2023 calendars which will make me the go-to guy for last minute shoppers everywhere. You’re welcome.

There will be several calendars to choose from, currently there are 3 in the bag, 2 in progress. A Raptor shoot in 2 weeks will add more. I don’t know how many, until the shoot is over. All will launch at once. Watch this space.

Anyway. The point is, lots of things are happening. Just (I should say GYST) for a change.

Note, I can easily and quickly print custom calendars. In any quantity.
Just a thought for you to noodle on.

2023 Calendars in progress

Prints and products for all images by request.
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