Printing In Progress

Port Colborne Kids Fishing Derby map

As I type the printer makes happy noises, contentedly churning out hundreds of registration forms and rules for Sunday’s Port Colborne Optimist Club Fishing Derby at H.H. Knoll Park in Port Colborne.

It was fun making the poster. It was fun making these rules and entry forms. It was even more fun creating the rough map below. My program of choice for projects requiring crisp vector graphics is Adobe Illustrator, used here to replace the photo of a photocopy we began with. This fun mini-project can now be used for any other events, printed large, modified to suit other events. Whatever we need. Flexibility is good. I like to think ahead.

I glance at the clock on my screen. It’s 10:36pm and the final rules have just finished printing. Next, I’ll print the entry forms. We need them for our meeting tomorrow so I can cross these off our list. Our last meeting before the event, we will be stuffing loot bags and managing last minute logistics. A lot of good people put in a lot more work and longer hours than I did, and on Sunday it’s all hands to the pumps with an early start to set up. Many volunteer hours were freely given. More will be given. We aren’t done yet. We have work to do.

On Sunday I will be wandering around the event waving a camera to get photos for the web site.

That, too, will be fun.

Prints and products for all images by request.
Photographer for hire for sessions, events, and private functions.
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