Visitors might have noticed site content jumping around as I worked on the new look. Still tweaking. I’m a lot happier with it. I’ve been future-proofing and giving her a long needed overhaul. Much new functionality is now in place. Speed and reliability is actually better than ever as I’ve blitzed some bugs. Still some under the hood stuff to write and plug in, but most of the work is done.
The biggest changes are in the back end to make sure the site will be (I hope) rock solid enough to withstand the expected onslaught of new visitors as I take this thing to market and launch it. Watch this space. I has plans, I has. But until then, I just wanted to explain the rapid changes. That can happen when you’re working on a live site. I may spin up a sandbox for future changes so I don’t upset visitors. Right now, wasn’t needed. Nothing broke.
Let me know how you like this new look in the comments. Time to celebrate. Let the fireworks begin.