Peace Bridge at Sunrise

IOTW: Peace Bridge

We went out early yesterday to see the last sunrise before the clocks went back. Rather than going to our usual spot, Table Rock in Niagara Falls, we drove to the end of Hwy 3 instead. Taking our Timmies with us, we went fully caffeinated to see sunrise at the Peace Bridge. Our Image Of The Week this week is a shot of the famous blue-lit bridge that connects Canada with the U.S.A at Fort Erie, with the early morning rays of dawn streaming across the fast-moving waves of the Niagara River as it thunders towards the distant Niagara Falls.

This image is also the latest addition to our Local Store. Prints are available for purchase and delivery. Those from further afield can get this image via our main Shop.

This image is one of three currently available in the store. Truth be told I shot far more as the sun moved into the sky and night turned to day. As the sun burst over the horizon, low cloud added perfect shade, muting the harshness of sunrise and casting a brilliant red cast across the water.

The rest of the morning was spent driving the Niagara Parkway. We saw Cormorant, Geese, and two Bald Eagles. On reaching Niagara Falls, we stopped for a while before heading North to load up with supplies from a favoured retail outlet which shall remain nameless. On route, a startled young Stag ran along the street for a half kilometre in front of us before safely finding an escape from the busy traffic of the city street.

By then it was lunch. Quite a morning.

But the view of this sunrise was undoubtedly the star of the show. I give you the Image Of The Week: Peace Bridge

Peace Bridge at Sunrise
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