Two Eagles

From The Parkway

As part of ongoing site development I have made some sweeping changes over the last week or so. Long overdue, this site now has new features and capabilities, one of which is improved photo management. So I wanted to try those new features out, and this image from a trip along the Niagara Parkway last weekend will serve nicely.

We saw sunrise at the Fort Erie Peace Bridge. I will revisit the photos from that memorable morning later. After, we took a leisurely ride North and along the way saw what at first appeared to be, from the back, two hunched over Turkey Vultures. As we were driving so leisurely (speed is overrated) I was able to safely look closer as we drew near, and realized those hunched heads were white. They were actually wild Bald Eagles. Just taking a rest, enjoying the early morning light and soaking up dawn heat as the dew evaporated.

Pulling safely onto the grass I took my camera from the back seat and fitted my longest telephoto lens. Getting quietly out of the car I moved in to around twenty feet away. Close enough to get a clear closeup with the lens I had chosen, but not close enough to spook the birds. Eagles are surprisingly easy to spook, for those that don’t know. As these two were at least thirty feet up a tree they had little to fear and they knew it, but still, I was mindful that this was their rest stop not mine. I was in their front room, so good manners were required.

After taking my photos I returned to sit with Nikki in the car and just watch. A car pulled up behind me and a lady got out. She walked over to the tree and stood directly below the Eagles, waving her phone upward in their direction. The proximity didn’t sit well with the Eagles and they both left within seconds, to seek another roost that was less crowded. They were last seen heading across the river toward the U.S.A.

Somewhere In Niagara

I routinely load my back seat full of cameras and gear when hitting the road and exploring. This is why. You never know what you will see. Later in the day we saw a fifteen point stag running down the street in Niagara Falls. That’s what a day out in Niagara is like. Always something to see. Which we want to see. And share with others, which is why I came up with the idea for Hiking With A Photographer. Why not come along and be inspired?

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I’m heading out to take more photos. #SomewhereInNiagara .

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