Between Two Trees

I love using the landscape to frame subjects. Things ‘between two trees’ have a natural frame which pleases me.

This bunch of wild daffodils, on a rolling hill Somewhere In Niagara demonstrate the point. They are a focal point. The gnarly tree trunks on either side provide symmetry and contrast with the soft yellow and green daffodils. The dandelion covered field behind compliments their colour, making an excellent background. The dark background trees help enhance the daffodils beautifully.

I am trying a new full width layout for this post. It takes away many of the distractions on the page so focus is more on the photo. Let me know in the comments whether you prefer this look.

This photo made me happy. Makes me want to go out and take more photos. I think I will. Right now.

Prints and products for all images by request.
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