
Nikki and I were recently invited on a property tour, somewhere in Niagara. The property owner walked us around while we enjoyed the late afternoon sun and took in some sights. Including a field full of the short-lived Trillium, provincial flower of Ontario. The Trillium were our main reason for being invited. But as well as capturing many photos of these fragile beauties, I saw a stand of Fiddleheads.

Fiddleheads are the furled tips of a fledgling fern. Left on the plant, each fiddlehead would unroll into a new frond. Fiddleheads are considered a delicacy, and consumed like vegetables by those that enjoy them.

The colloquial name Fiddleheads is given to these fern tips because of their resemblance to the ornate scrolls which decorate the end of stringed instruments, notably, of course… fiddles.

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