365 Day Planners

Organize your life with our day planners
Life organization with 365 day daily planners

Day planners are popular with people that like to plan and make schedules using pen and paper. Planners routinely give two or three days per page, limiting the detail that can be entered. That won’t work for busy people, so I designed a 365 Day Planner. One full page per day. A whole year. 521 pages.

You read that right. Those extra pages are for ‘week ahead’ notes, and follow up notes each week so you can see whether you met goals or if further actions are needed. I added sections for meals and exercise for those that track such things, though of course that space can be used for anything. Conveniently sized for the glove compartment, purse, or jacket pocket, at a neat 5.5 x 8.5 inches this book won’t take over your life. But it will help you organize it.

The Full 365

The key here is that this 365 day planner is not tied to the calendar. You begin on day one by circling the date and year. Each day has the same user selectable date choices, so this pocket book could extend far beyond a year depending how you choose to use it. At the very least you get a full year. Though this could be with you longer. That’s very good value for money. But wait. There’s more.

Somewhere In Niagara

Busy people might need separate planners for work, for home, and for social activities or sports. Think parents with multiple sporting kids that need driving to training and games. Crafters keeping track of events and client deliverables. People with multiple job schedules. Students tracking lectures and exam dates. Keeping on top of elderly relatives meds and appointments.

One 365 day year planner for each need would help keep things organized and on track, I thought. So I made this into a series. Themed with different covers, each shot by myself, Somewhere In Niagara. Five books. That should be enough for most needs. I even threw in hardcover and colour versions.

Available directly from the Amazon web site, the series is available now. Prime delivery is available. Across the world ex-pats and Canada lovers everywhere can carry a slice (or several) of Niagara with them. Click here to see the series: 365 Day Planners – Somewhere In Niagara

These planners will make ideal, practical gifts at any time of the year. Birthdays, weddings, baby birth. Anyone with a newborn knows there are not enough hours in the day, and our planners can help with that. It’s so nice to break the chain and not be tied to January 1st any more. A full year (at least) from date of first use, whenever that may be.

Courtesy of GYST services and Somewhere In Niagara photography.

Branding and Distribution

On a closing note if you have a business, I can brand this design for your company. Get in touch.
Retailers, these may prove popular items with tourists. Let’s talk distribution.

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