A reminder that as well as photos, I have a Youtube channel. Video Production for organizations and events is one of the premium services GYST Services offer. But my personal Youtube channel is for fun. There is no real agenda. I record and upload videos when the mood takes me. I’m not trying to build a massive following. The content is random. It’s basically a haphazard record of my life. Something to look back on when I’m gone, perhaps. But I think it is all fun. There is at least one nugget of either humour or knowledge to be gleaned from every video. Sometimes both.
For those that prefer their images to move, maybe consider checking out my Youtube channel. If you like Youtube, you can find my channel here. Or if that does not appeal you can quickly visit the page I added for the feed right here on the site without leaving. Both have the same videos. You choose your flavour. Either way,