Whirlpool Aero Car

The Whirlpool Aero Car pictured between two peaks along the Niagara River, Niagara Falls, Ontario.

This cropped panorama of the Niagara River whirlpool north of Niagara Falls catches the Whirlpool Aero Car between two peaks as it traverses the deadly maelstrom below.

The Niagara river, which forms the border between Canada and the U.S. at this location, takes a ninety degree turn at the whirlpool and the cable car runs across the diagonal between them. The Whirlpool Aero car never leaves Canada. No passport required.

Nikki and I had hiked down the gorge and were enjoying the scenery from the rocky beach as the Aero Car left the boarding platform. Following the cables with a practised eye, I waited patiently until the car was where I wanted it to be to take this shot, catching it neatly between the peaks. A little colour grading adjusted colours and saturation, giving the scene a sombre mood I like. And this is the result.

A Word Of Caution

The Niagara gorge is a very popular destination for locals that enjoy the many trails as well as fishing the river. It can be spectacularly beautiful in any season. And it can also be dangerous. The number of broken ankles and falls resulting in the seemingly constant emergency airlifts by helicopter attest to that. Caution is highly advised. They actually installed a helicopter platform on the beach. What does that tell you?

Often, people are able to successfully hobble their way back up the challenging climb to civilization. They are the lucky ones. Sometimes the injuries are more serious. There are regular fatalities, either from hiking falls or from drowning. Some fall into the water, some impetuous fools try to swim. This is not a place to swim. It is called the Whirlpool for a reason. Don’t do it. Don’t even think about it.

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