After a recent hard drive failure I restored everything from a backup. See link. During the restore process I did due diligence and randomly checked the files to ensure all were present and correct.
One of the files I opened was this newsletter I created, many moons ago. Memories. Ah, memories.
The ‘Chamber News’ ran for three years under my leadership, during which I served as vice president of the Port Colborne Chamber of Commerce. I revamped the old newsletter from scratch to a modern and sleek layout more aligned with the Chamber’s image. The ‘Chamber News’ had been a money pit for many years. I turned that around and it soon began making a profit. By the time of my departure we had advertisers queuing up and a growing readership of our professionally printed newletters, which were distributed to our entire membership across the region every quarter. Not bad.
It was a lot of work! I single-handedly wrote each issue, except for the quarterly speeches from the Mayors of Wainfleet and Port Colborne, whch I ruthlessly edited from an average of eight pages each to only two. I also made many of the sponsor adverts. I selected and set fonts, colours, style and format, massaged and squeezed and gave life to this beast. And I loved almost every minute of it.
Fun times. This was back in 2006. 17 whole years ago. There are several old faces staring at me from these pages. Some may be recognizable to you, dear reader. Enjoy the read. Simpler times.
Do I need to say this? If you need a newsletter at any time… get in touch
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