Focus Pull

Somewhere In Niagara - Snowstorm

I find myself increasingly frustrated with the photographic niche I seem to have locked myself into. I love landscapes. I love Niagara. But the focus on that very specific niche has had a negative effect. Now I find myself at the bottom of this rabbit hole I dug for myself, I have nowhere to go. The fun has gone.

All my lovely photos seem to look the same. Processed the same way. Same content. My photos look nice. Which is great, but that’s not me. I don’t want nice. Nice does not light my fire. I want edgy. Creative. It’s what I do best, but I effectively tied my own hands. All this is to say that my output quantity (and, I admit it, quality) has dropped. Screw that. Enough. Time to break out of those self-inflicted bonds.

To use a movie reference I am going to do a focus pull: I will change my focus for dramatic effect. I will force myself up and back out of this rabbit hole, and gaze once more upon the sun. Make my photography enjoyable again. For me, and for you, if you will. And in so doing, my hope is that my photos will be better than ever, as I get my passion (and my focus) back.


That means, going forward, that I will not be posting 95% landscape photos to appeal to a very specific audience. I will mix in shots that were not exclusively taken Somewhere In Niagara. I will include people. Places. I will include events. And I will, sometimes, include the stories behind those events.

I’m already beginning to feel energised just by typing this. Hopefully, dear reader, you will enjoy the journey along with me, as I start to roll out some never before seen images, of never before seen things, processed as I have never processed them before. I am bringing back the creative. The edgy. The fun. Join me.

Now would be a good time to Subscribe to the weekly newsletter. This ride is about to get interesting. Strap in. It could get a little wild. You have been advised. Onward…

Prints and products for all images by request.
Photographer for hire for sessions, events, and private functions.
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