Bald Eagle

A day at the Canadian Raptor Conservancy is time well spent. We love visiting this place. Located near Simcoe, it is home to a wide variety of birds of prey. As well as this wonderful Bald Eagle, we saw a Eurasian Eagle Owl, the biggest owl species on earth, and a couple of Screech Owls, the smallest.

We got up close with a Harris Hawk, a Snowy Owl, a Bard Owl (not a Barn Owl, they’re different), and several other species flying and swooping and apparently having a great time in sub-zero temperatures. Temperatures that made the puny humans present shiver under their many layers of protective clothing: Humans really aren’t cut out for survival. These predators are.

The original plan was to turn these images around quickly for release as calendars in time for the holidays. I will still do that, but as I work through them I feel some are particularly special, and I want to do them justice. So I’m going to take my time and give them the love they deserve. These images will then be printed large to grace my own walls as part of my personal collection. Starting with this Eagle.

Prints will of course be available for anyone wanting them, through our Photo Shop. Global shipping with delivery worldwide. Knock yourselves out and order away. Or subscribe. And get the full series right to your Inbox as they become available. Meanwhile, enjoy this selection from our visit yesterday of my shots of this amazing creature.

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Prints and products for all images by request.
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