Driving home from St. Catharines, Ontario, over the holidays, and I passed an assemblage of parked school buses. Rarely one to shy away from an opportunity to take a photograph, I turned around and drove into the parking lot. There was no signage indicating I should not, and a Canadian truism that I learned many years ago came to mind. “Easier to ask forgiveness than permission”.
“Wave upon wave of demented avengers walk cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream…”
– Pink Floyd
I drove around and took several photos without leaving my vehicle. I could have made a mini-project from this, going in and around and over, but I chose not to. I left, happy with the images I got.
Repetitive imagery of this kind always strikes a chord in me. I am unsure why. Seeing things so symmetrically arranged just calls out to me. Makes me want to look. Makes me happy, on an almost cellular level. Don’t put me in a hall of mirrors. I’ll be there for the day.
Bus Drivers
This will be the second image on the subject of school buses I have posted recently. The other was in praise of the long undervalued bus driver. This image brings to mind the legions of drivers keeping the world of education running. And also the world of commerce. The world would be a different place if everyone had to drive kids to school every day as well as heading to work. That’s quite a change to routine. A routine which we all too often take for granted.
The kids climb aboard the buses and we forget them, heading about our other business. Parents do take a lot for granted. What kind of a crimp does it put in your day when the school bus doesn’t show? Maybe a quiet word of thanks is in order for this phalanx of invisible parental aides.
Some do it for the money. Some do it to stay busy Some do it to help their communities. No, they really do. And for that, I thank them. One and all. Keep those wheels turning. Please and thank you. Onwards.