Sunset Colours

I have always been a Sunrise person. After ten years of driving around Niagara, I know where most of the best ones are to be found. Today, I wanted to do something different. So I went for a drive to wave the sun goodbye for the night. This is about sunset.

No Difference

Sunrise and sunset are, in photographic terms, identical. The camera cares not what time of day it is. Light behaves the same. But the person behind the camera feels it. It’s an emotional, psychological difference. For me, at least. Sunrise brings hope. The whole day stretches ahead of you. That opens possibilities. Gives energy. Drives me forward. Sunset, on the other hand, speaks to me of the end of day. Darkness. Time to rest. To sleep. To put away things unfinished, for revisiting another day. Probably at sunrise. Sunset is a time to reflect. To take stock. To make plans. But photographically? This could be either sunrise, or sunset. Same clouds. Same shadows. Same glorious colours. It happens to be sunset. And that just feels different.

And the exciting thing for me is that sunsets offer a whole world of new opportunity. 180 degrees. Instead of facing East, I face West. Familiar locations become new subjects. Sunset gives me a chance to see Niagara again, through different eyes. What a wonderful world we live in. Why, I thought to myself while taking this shot, don’t I do exactly that? Let’s do it again. Onwards.

Prints and products for all images by request.
Photographer for hire for sessions, events, and private functions.
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