Ring the changes

Over the years I have rung the changes, trying different looks and styles until finally settling on an editing style that I like, very naturalistic, which stays largely true to nature and the reality of what I saw. It’s a style which is recognised by those that like my images. But.

I also shoot events and portraits and create art and design T-shirts and make brochures and other things, so it does no harm at all to get creative. To shake things up a little and try some new twists.

In this image I thought I would do exactly that. Foregoing my traditional signature look for something more sharp, colourful, and dynamic, I made the edit you see below. Hope you like. I do. So much so, I’ve made it a preset. Which will enable me to use this style as a starting point for future images.

That’s not to say that all future images will have this look. I just want to get out of a stylistic rut. Subscribe, and see what is coming this year. You might be surprised.

Prints and products for all images by request.
Photographer for hire for sessions, events, and private functions.
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2 thoughts on “Ring the changes”

  1. Hi Carl! I do the same with my photos for the very same reasons. What you’ve got here is an effect I like, because it presents a different mood to me, the viewer. It’s sharper and really brings out the bright sun and bitter cold which winters are known for. It emphasizes every branch, limb and twig in the forest, and I can almost feel how cold my feet are, walking through the snow. Nice work!

    1. Valuable feedback, from a fellow photographer! I shall take that on board, Greg. Thanks for your insights!
      Your comments mirror my intent, I’m very happy I hit the mark!

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