I am a working photographer based in Niagara, though I have a passport and am more than willing to travel. A videographer. A drone pilot. A fool. I wear many hats.
This blog is about the fun things in my life. Photography. Nature. Technology. And whatever else I feel like writing about. This is GYST a blog (pun intended) about life, the universe, and everything. From Carl, your friendly neighbourhood Design Guy.
Ethical Spaceship
Not one person on this earth chose their parents. Skin colour. Religion. Nationality. We all have our origins, our personal […]
Sunset Colours
I have always been a Sunrise person. After ten years of driving around Niagara, I know where most of the […]
Grain Elevators
The grain elevators at the Port Colborne entrance to the Welland Canal sit alongside the Sugarloaf Marina. This is not […]
Coyote On Ice
Shortly after sunrise Nikki and I saw a dark shape moving rapidly across the ice in Gravelly Bay. At first […]
Breakwall Ice
March 4, 2025. Approaching sunset. After the working day I set forth West along the Port Colborne coast road to […]
The Long Walk
At dawn one frozen March morning, a man and his dogs took to the beach. Temperature? Minus 15 Celcius. And […]
Sunset over Sugarloaf
After the working day I ran out to enjoy the sunset at Sugarloaf Hill. There were only minutes before full […]
All Aboard the Somewhere In Niagara Bus
Let’s hike. Hiking With a Photographer puts you on the back roads and trails of Niagara, with me offering a […]