I am a working photographer based in Niagara, though I have a passport and am more than willing to travel. A videographer. A drone pilot. A fool. I wear many hats.
This blog is about the fun things in my life. Photography. Nature. Technology. And whatever else I feel like writing about. This is GYST a blog (pun intended) about life, the universe, and everything. From Carl, your friendly neighbourhood Design Guy.
Total Eclipse Of The Heart
Many years ago I watched a total solar eclipse. At the time I was in England, working as a national […]
Safe As Houses
Lake Erie can be quite playful at times. When the waves crashed against the concrete during a recent seiche that […]
January Snow
The sharp, crisp textures of the tree and its branches align with the sharpness of the frigid temperature on this […]
In My Chair
During long winter months it pays to keep the mind busy. One day when housebound by heavy falling snow I […]
A Quiet Place
Most of us visit a graveyard at times of extreme emotional distress. Funerals. Aniversaries, birthdays, and so forth. They do […]
Wedding Photography
During the cold winter months I like to revisit my photo collection and plan for the year ahead. During my […]
New Year, New Look
Making images look good online is a constant dance, juggling file size, security, and image quality. Most photographers want images […]