Optimist Club Relaunch

Port Colborne Optimist Club web site relaunch

I joined the Port Colborne Optimist Club last year and was shortly after elected to the board of directors. Taking up the social media and communications reigns, I now oversee everything digital including press releases, social media, event announcements and follow-up articles. I let the other team members do all the real work, I just point a camera at them while they do it then write nice things. Me smart. (I suspect I will pay for that comment…)

As part of this digital makeover I inherited the old Optimist Club web site, which has long been in need of a facelift. A facelift I was happy to give. It has taken a while to assemble, for reasons I won’t go into, but with this relaunch we aim to reach a whole new audience and kick our game up a notch.

I moved us to a modern CMS platform for easier maintenance and faster content development. No longer constrained to the desktop, I can update this site from my phone, anywhere with an internet connection. Which is both cool and useful. I incorporated the best of the old web site into the new one, consolidating things to make them easier to navigate and understand. Then, I pulled together press releases and social media posts to fill out the blog section, streamlined the vendor application system, and simplified the menu structure. Then I had lunch. Seriously, I wanted to take the time to do it right. Hence, here we are, end of January.

And it’s yet not fully complete

Features still to be added include dedicated pages for Canada Days and Kids Fishing Derby, which will include photo galleries and maybe some video of the events. Member areas will contain club minutes and other documentation, a calendar of events so members can keep track of our activities, and more. The point here is this new site can expand rapidly. It is scalable, and scale it we will. Yes, I mixed a metaphor. Good catch.

For other logistical reasons, we also moved to a new domain: pcoptimist.club

This rolls more easily off the tongue. Is easier to remember. Has fewer characters to type.
It’s a win all round.

If you are interested in what we do, we are always looking for volunteers for road cleanup and other projects. If you are very interested we invite membership applications.
We always have room for new members.

Carl Green. Director and Board Member

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