As I type, my computer is importing the photos from a charity gala I shot last night. Those images will be culled, edited, then uploaded to a gallery for the organization to use as they wish for marketing or ‘thank you’ gifts to the donors from the evening. That will take time, time that I am happy to donate as the charity is for a good cause – Autism.
I will probably write an item about the event later, but this is just a quick post to keep busy, fill time while those images import. I will likely spend all day today editing these, as well as the images from the Optimist Club Murder Mystery dinner last weekend. They also need editing and uploading.
All this takes time, as well as patience. I can be patient. But it doesn’t always come easily. Hence, typing this as I wait. I do like to keep busy. When all this editing is done I will take time tomorrow to do a little hike. A hikelet, if you will. With all this rain, I can feel a waterfall in my bones. I have yet to decide which one. And then, back to the day job on Monday. Life is an endless round of fun.
Owly Goodness
Since posts should have an image, here is a completely unrelated photo of an owl in flight, taken at a local conservation area on a previous outing. I filed the images for this particular shoot with the intent of doing something special with them when time permits, but that’s a story for another day. Rather than the usual ‘gliding silently with spread wings’ image, I favor this shot. I feel it is embued with motion and speed and intent. Thoses eyes are fixed on me. I am going to be lunch. Intense. Focused. Powerful.
I caught the critter on the down beat. Which is a thing that can rarely be said about me. Onward…