IOTW: Somewhere In Niagara

Somewhere In Niagara: Image Of The Week

This simple scene is Somewhere In Niagara at its finest. From the roadside, many things are visible. You simply need to take a second to pull over. I do this a lot.

It’s a great way to see things that would otherwise be missed. I did it here, just after sunrise. And spent several minutes just enjoying the sun cresting those trees and spilling the light of a new day across the land. Sunrise itself is inspirational.

But looking at the land come alive, listening to the birds, seeing the wind move the grass. Seeing the world reborn at dawn is one of the best feelings I can ever remember. And the best part? It happens every 24 hours. I get to see this and experience these feelings every day, if I want to.

I just need to get out of the house. And explore.

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