My long-suffering lady and I explored an area of several square miles of potentially fatal rattlesnake-infested peat bog, where a single misstep could suck the unwary to their doom in it’s dank and fetid embrace. Seemed like a good way to spend Mother’s Day.
This episode of Somewhere In Niagara shows Nikki and I hiking the Wainfleet Bog, a local marshland that is home to a variety of birds that, top tip, can be heard but not seen for the densely packed undergrowth. Walking through mud, thrashing along deer trails, and following overgrown small gauge rail tracks into the unknown, laughter is always the order of the day during these excursions.
Even three miles into the woods, carrying a silly amount of camera gear, we keep smiling. If you’re going off grid, be sensible and safe and take a buddy: Nothing beats the buddy system. And among other things, Nikki is my very best buddy. Even now, after I dragged her around on this adventure.
In a fine example of stubborn perseverance, I kept pushing on. In a fine example of patience, Nikki never complained. Even with the gear she was carrying. Even when I lost a sock.
Though not the most successful outing photographically, it sure was an experience to remember. A great workout. And another video to share with friends, family, and the Internet. Enjoy the video.