Ethical Spaceship

Not one person on this earth chose their parents. Skin colour. Religion. Nationality. We all have our origins, our personal accidents of birth.

So what? Can you do what I do, better than me? If you can, you should do the job. That’s just common sense.

Except, common sense is increasingly rare. Examples are everywhere, we all see them every day. One particularly close to my own heart, people over 50 are highly skilled. At their chosen roles, and at life. And are routinely not considered for projects or promotions. Smart people, I say, look to that accumulated knowledge. The preconceptions of decision makers often play far too large a role in their decision making. Take note, recruiters. Your best hire might actually be the resume you just casually consigned to the waste bin. Take another look.

Consider this

The above is one of countless scenarios, many far worse, playing out around the world every day. Big picture, if a spacehip landed and aliens walked flew or crawled from it, we would not know at a glance whether they were male, republican, old. We would not know their god. Not even that they were the dominant species on their planet (if humans sent spaceships elsewhere we might send animals out first, just to see if the locals were friendly. Given human fears, this would be wise. The first off an alien ship are most likely to be greeted with bullets and tanks).

A century of science fiction teaches us not to judge books by their covers. So why do we still do that with people? Take each case as unique, because it is. That is one of the wonders of life. We should try not to judge by appearance or our preconceptions. When we do, we make fools of nobody but ourselves. And we overlook the potential staring us, often quite literally, in the face. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. It’s dumb.

In closing, remember this: This planet of ours, hurtling as it is through the void, is just a huge spaceship full of aliens. Do better, humans. Do better.

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