Marshville Heritage Festival

Marshville Heritage Festival 2023

Each labour day weekend the Marshville Heritage Fesitval takes visitors back to the 1800’s and revisits simpler (though harder) times, in the heritage village behind the arena in Wainfleet, Ontario. The Marshville Heritage Society handles the whole event. Click that link to find out more on their web site.

The ample parking is free, though entrance is not ($8 per person in 2023, 9 and under free). Free shuttle tractor buses save legs, running visitors back and forth between parking lot (a large field) to the entrance. Once inside, a myriad craft vendors display their wares. Food vendors sell the most wondrous array of fries, donuts, burgers, and the usual event fare. In addition, as this is a heritage event, there are long queues for the freshly made apple fritters and cider, available along with other treats from the 1800’s, all served by volunteers in period costume to add to the ambience.

There are displays of all kinds! Vintage cars. Steam engines. Firefighting equipment. In the buildings themselves are period displays of weaving and life in the 1800’s. A working sawmill and a blacksmith forge are popular with visitors. Also, headline acts brought in to entertain the crowds. Music and magic and kids entertainments galore. There is more to see than I list here. It’s a great place to visit and there is much to learn for those with an interest in history.

On a side note, my better half buys garlic spread every year, from the same vendor. Enough for the year. It’s that good.

Me? I like to wander around, listening to the music, enjoying the displays, and taking photos. Like these.

  • Marshville Heritage Festival 2023

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