Web Hosting

We’ve built many web sites. From 1-pagers to full e-commerce solutions. We manage servers and maintain web sites, keeping them running, safe, and secure. GYST Services built our own web site(s) and have done so for over 25 years. Without fuss, fanfare, or down time. We’ve passed security clearances to work in data centres on two continents. We are trustworthy. Secure. Reliable. And so are our sites.

There are three costs associated with any web site:

  1. Domain Registration: An annual sticker fee to register and keep your domain name
  2. Web Build: The time it takes to assemble everything ready for launch
  3. Web Hosting: After the build, annual or monthly cost to keep those files on the Internet
All images copyright Carl Green

We can provide any mix of the above. Never had a site before? GYST can register your domain, build your site, and host it. Already have a web site but unhappy with your current host? We can move it. Already have web hosting and just need someone to build a site and give you the files? No problem. These are all common scenarios.
We also fix things when they break, i.e. your site gets hacked. Jumping in to the code we can often (not always) reverse the damage. We’ve pulled a lot of buns out of a lot of fires over the years. No problem.

Cost? That’s a problem. By which I mean, how much is a car? As with cars, the price depends on your choices. Our web hosting fees start as low as $5 per month for a 1-pager, and go up from there based on the extra bells and whistles you need. Databases, e-commerce, backup systems. These all add.

One thing more to consider: All our plans include email addresses, which are often a billable extra elsewhere.

It costs nothing to make an inquiry. Contact GYST today to begin your adventure.

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