In August 1918 a scow broke loose from the tug towing it along the Niagara river. It and the two men aboard became lodged in the rocks above Niagara Falls. It has been there now for over a century.
Fast forward to October 2019. The scow, battered by a raging river for decades, succumbs to the immense force of water. But still, it holds. Broken and battered the scow repositioned itself a little closer to the falls and settled in again. Though it has remained there since, it is surely only a matter of time before nature proves the winner and this rusting hulk slides again to a permanent resting place, in the depths below Niagara Falls.
Seagulls use this rusty hulk as a hunting ground. Slammed against the still solid iron, fish are either stunned or killed on impact. Easy pickings for these voracious carnivores.
The restless waves coming under the bridge bear testament to the force of that thundering water rushing to the enormous hole in the earth which is Niagara Falls. If ever there was a symbol for perseverance and holding on in the face of a losing battle against the inevitable, surely this aging hulk of a scow must be it. Respect.
Our Image Of The Week today is the wreck of the scow perched precariously above Niagara Falls.
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