Client Testimonials

Business cards to Billboards. GYST have worked with many satisfied clients over the years creating digital solutions and graphic designs. Here is a selection of testimonials from some of them:

Just wanted to express what a great job on the Billboard! It looks fantastic! I will be in touch regarding the 2 smaller signs and the timing on them shortly. On behalf of the entire Team…thanks again for such a professional job!

Janet Rodriguez – Office Manager, Team Neumann, Remax Welland Realty

I love it, we need to do it in color. Black & white doesn’t do it justice. I don’t know what was discussed regarding it but it is awesome.
Edith Wagner, Office Manager,
Port Colborne-Wainfleet Chamber of Commerce

Your work is exactly as I had envisioned it in my head… the skills possessed by Carl Green are unbelievable. I have seen examples of his work and the photos he has edited. Just Breathtaking. Awesome Job Carl, and I look forward to using you on a regular basis for all my Graphic design needs!
John Gallie, JTG Systems

It was beautiful… the photo you re-touched was commented on by everyone. And it was the loveliest of all the photos in the Tribune. Your work touched many.
RoseAnn Waters Impact Media Marketing

That column is so damn impressive, I don’t even have adjectives, phenomenal piece!

Heidi Grzesina, Editor, News in Port Colborne and Wainfleet

Hi Carl! That is WONDERFUL!!!!!! Your arrangement is great!…I contacted the national office to see if I could use the logo, and that is to be used for info coming out of the foundation only, so we can’t use it. We can have the heading, though…”A single dream. A world of hope. The Terry Fox Foundation”, and I think it will be great! I love the background! Thanks, Carl. I am so happy with this!
Nancy, The Terry Fox Foundation

Good Morning Carl, you are my HERO!! I love it!! Looks very professional and classy and snappy and a lot of good information! Thank you so much. REALLY like the “bottom line” line under our DIVA….coolness she can “talk”!
Joan Walker, ICE Systems Inc.

Carl: Thanks. That is living proof that spell check is not the only one that should be checking the content, as well I never really thought people read those things, you proved me wrong again. Thanks – made the change.
Kate Leigh, Councillor Ward 4, City of Port Colborne

Hi, Carl: How astute! After years of correcting consumers – telling them it’s “Riplees,” not “Ripples,” I can’t believe I did that! To my knowledge, honest, it’s the first time ever – further confirmation, I’m sure, of approaching old age and senility. Drat! The other error (.comm”), I was aware of and intended to correct, for the next run. Luckily, I did not order thousands…Nonetheless, those remaining will have to be discarded. Most importantly, however, you have limited my embarrassment to the first 250 fliers distributed. We appreciate your sharp eye and quick reporting – score one, Gyst! Friendly regards,
Niagara Pet Wellness
Dennis Dennis Miller, Managing Partner

Hi Carl We’re now distributing our brochures, thanks to you. They look pretty damn good. I haven’t seen your invoice for your efforts. I’m thinking of reworking our website professionally. Happy Easter! Warmest regards,
Ted, CEO Nexxa Industries Ltd.

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