I am a working photographer based in Niagara, though I have a passport and am more than willing to travel. A videographer. A drone pilot. A fool. I wear many hats.
This blog is about the fun things in my life. Photography. Nature. Technology. And whatever else I feel like writing about. This is GYST a blog (pun intended) about life, the universe, and everything. From Carl, your friendly neighbourhood Design Guy.
Gilligan’s Other Boat
On my travels around the region I see many wonders of nature and lots of things of interest. Including this […]
Bird, Thinking
Somewhere In Niagara I recently came across this bird. Clearly in a thoughtful mood, it just stood and stared straight […]
Turtle Hunt
Nikki is working at the weekend. I have made arrangements to collaborate with a fellow photographer, and go on a […]
Feel The Sunrise
Last weekend was Victoria Day in Canada. This weekend Nikki and I celebrate our first date. Every year we unwind […]
Three horses
Waking up to foggy mornings always makes me feel like jumping in the car, and that is exactly what I […]
Morning Deer
Sometimes, photographers drag themselves from a warm bed before the first light of day cracks the sky. Sometimes, they drive […]
Another long weekend
This is yet another holiday weekend in Canada. Once I finish typing this post I will be heading off for […]
Spring is here and the weather is stabilizing, almost to the point where longer hikes can be considered while wearing […]