Lake Gibson

This image was taken during a visit to the Mel Schwartz Conservation Area in Thorold, Ontario. A boardwalk runs alongside Lake Gibson, which is the centre of this place. It is very popular in all seasons. The boardwalk is home to strolling hikers and those that like to fish. An observation deck looks out across Lake Gibson and allows viewing across almost the entirety of the lake, which in Summer is home to Swans and Geese and an assortment of other water birds. They alslo like to fish. In short, this is a beautiful place.

This image was taken as we walked the boardwalk. I turned my camera toward the marsh grasses, and I think it works very well as the late afternoon sun brings out the yellow and gold of the foliage.

I do wonder whether this would make a good jigsaw. I can make those easily enough.

If we have any jigsaw fans in the audience please comment and let me know your thoughts. Would this be a jigsaw you would want? If there is interest, I shall make it happen. In the meantime, subscribe…

Lake Gibson jigsaw idea
Lake Gibson – Click!

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