Looking downstream from the majestic Kakabeka Falls, Ontario. Just West of Thunder Bay, taken in September of 2021. Nikki and I were on a road trip visit to see family.
Eighteen hours each way, we took a few days to get there and a few to get back, making a week’s vacation of the journey. Averaging six hours driving per day is enough for most, particularly with only one driver, and there is a lot to see between here and Niagara. I filled all my camera cards with images and my brain with memories. And we still saw only the tiniest fraction of this home we call Canada.
It would have only taken a couple of clicks, but I chose not to clone out the the two people on the obervation deck as I feel it gives a better sense of the immense scale of this beautiful scene.
I did not use my ‘Somewhere in Niagara’ watermark which I like to use exclusively for images from Niagara. It’s an ethical branding choice. ‘Somewhere In Canada’ it is.
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