While developing some new creative techniques in Photoshop I was throwing pixels around to see if I could achieve the effect I wanted. I could. Yay. And as I worked those pixels, for some reason an overheard phrase kept floating into my mind. “We designed it to be so simple a child could use it.”
So I grabbed my pen and started to work anew. I found myself coming up with this concept, which I am now developing for one of the companies in our medical division. It depicts the ease of use of our SaaS and cloud services, avoiding all the usual tech heavy text and sales patter commonly found in such adverts.
This concept is not about bandwidth, capacity, security or features. It’s about how it feels to use the software.
It feels like being a kid again: Like stepping right out of the phone and away from technology: Like working from the beach: Like being a kid running through a field of grass, stress free.
This captures sunshine and freedom and a whole new way of working. Follow our bouncing ball, Pied Piper style, to new horizons and new adventures only made possible by this brave new world. Sorry, went into marketing mode for a minute. In a nutshell, it’s so simple a child could use it. I think I hit my target.
The question is: Does it work? Discuss.
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