
I have many hats to wear. To work effectively means connecting the dots and automating where I can. Work smart, not hard, to get more done.

IMG_2315Take this example. I manage the social media accounts for several companies, and I also have personal projects such as this one. I have to make sure personal and business projects remain separate, and that posts for company A don’t arrive on the sites of companies B through G. Like Ghostbusters, crossing the streams in that way would be very very bad. Posting to each company account manually can eat up a large part of a working week, be confusing and fraught with danger. Triple check everything. Don’t cross those streams. Automate it.

I finally got around to automating my personal stream from this blog to my own G+, Facebook and Twitter accounts. Those will be enough for now, I may add more later. For now, it is enough. Updates to the blog will now post to each connected social media account automatically without me having to log in to each site and copy-paste, repost or retype everything manually.Ideal? No, it’s always best to customise for each platform, but for sheer speed, it can’t be beat.

Boom! Done. I just posted to G+, FB and Twitter. Cool.

Step three toward my plan for world domination is now in place. Only another 147 to go.

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