Snow Time

Snow Time

As the equinox hits we all look forward to longer, warmer nights ahead. But there is no reason to rush it.

Here in Ontario we had the first snow of winter this week. A quick journey to the store for a new snow shovel was hardly worth the trip, it was mostly gone by noon. Still, no self-respecting Canadian is ever found without a snow shovel, so it was a necessary purchase in preparation for the cold months ahead.

This week the sky has been almost universally grey. Rather than going out seeking new images in this colourless wasteland I spent some time revisiting old images. Including this one. From another excursion across the wintery wastes to a snow covered field, Somewhere In Niagara.

This image speaks to me of farming life. Regardless of the time, the season, or the weather, farmers work. There is no rest. No snow day. Very few if any vacations. Long, long days and nights. Work goes on, no matter what. I have a lot of respect for farmers. They are vital, and often undervalued.

But not by me.

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