I am a working photographer based in Niagara, though I have a passport and am more than willing to travel. A videographer. A drone pilot. A fool. I wear many hats.
This blog is about the fun things in my life. Photography. Nature. Technology. And whatever else I feel like writing about. This is GYST a blog (pun intended) about life, the universe, and everything. From Carl, your friendly neighbourhood Design Guy.
Between Two Trees
Early one March morning, I was fortunate to be awake when the sun made a rare appearance in the leaden […]
Flight Time
Sports are notoriously difficult to photographs. People move so fast. Vehicles, at least, usually go fast in a straight line. […]
Ethical Spaceship
Not one person on this earth chose their parents. Skin colour. Religion. Nationality. We all have our origins, our personal […]
Sunset Colours
I have always been a Sunrise person. After ten years of driving around Niagara, I know where most of the […]
Grain Elevators
The grain elevators at the Port Colborne entrance to the Welland Canal sit alongside the Sugarloaf Marina. This is not […]
Coyote On Ice
Shortly after sunrise Nikki and I saw a dark shape moving rapidly across the ice in Gravelly Bay. At first […]
Breakwall Ice
March 4, 2025. Approaching sunset. After the working day I set forth West along the Port Colborne coast road to […]